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Steps to Upgrade

Before you make a decision on purchasing an upgrade, please see the features to check the differences in different editions. You may see the features by choosing ‘Show Features’ from the ‘Help’ menu while in the program.

You may download and try the Professional edition.  You must remove any previous installation of any edition of BornoSoft Accent (previous name: BornoSoft Bangla2000) before you install the Professional edition.  While using the Professional edition, try all the menu functions and tools to check the features.

You should then decide on the features that you want to use.  Now you are ready to select the appropriate edition for your purpose.

If you have already decided and are ready to purchase the edition that you need and you are online now, please click the Purchase link.

If you have already purchased the upgrade and have the Product S/N, you may complete the ‘User Information Window’ of the program (Help > Register BornoSoft). Subsequently you will get the Product ID, which will be generated by your system.  Please send us the Product S/N and the Product ID for registration.  We will send you the registration key immediately after verifying the product ownership.





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